Sharing documents with your students is an important part of teaching. Using Uvii App to share documents from your device makes this an easy process especially when updating your course on the go.
Some examples of using this feature can include:
Sharing reading resources like PDFs
Sharing worksheets
Giving homework answers or guidance
Sharing the course syllabus
Providing course updates
Sharing these documents on the Uvii App makes these resources easy for students to access on their mobile devices as desired.
Open your Uvii App to the home page. Select the “Create” button at the bottom middle of the home page.
Check to ensure that you are signed to your correct account and that you are posting to the correct course page.
To use the “Post a Document” function, follow these steps:
Video: Upload a Document
Select your Post

From the Create page, select Document at the bottom of the screen.

This will direct you to this page where you can select from your documents to share.
Add a Caption and Tags to your Post

After choosing your desired document to share. You will be directed to this page where you can add tags, add a caption, and choose where to share the content.
Add tags to make your document easy to search for students.
Hide responses to ensure unbiased feedback.
Post to your Course

Select either Post to Course or Post to String.
“Post to course” will share the survey with all students and instructors registered to the course. Students will receive push notifications that the survey has been shared.
“Post as a string” allows you to select which students or instructors are able to see, respond to, and receive push notifications when the survey is shared.
Manage your Post

When you are ready, share your document. You will receive a pop-up notification indicating that your document has successfully been shared.
Now you can see your document shared on your home page, manage the post and engage in the responses as they come.